Too Many Things in This World

Sometimes I feel the weight of all the things that happen in our world as irrepressible. Indiscriminate violence, but to discriminate, hatred that is superimposed on hatred, interests that exceed other interests. All that should be dialogue becomes a monologue unheard by the same ones who pronounce it while trampling on each other. The experience of one does not become dialogue with the other, but … Continua a leggere Too Many Things in This World

If You Only…

If you, looking beyond, could perceive the breath of the wind and the music of the tinkling leaves, lifting the aroma of wet earth and the scent of freshly baked cookies, you would know what really matters and what loving and courageous dexterity it takes to live. You would not escape the difficulties of the wind that blows and in the quiet awareness of good … Continua a leggere If You Only…