Patrizia Ciribè recensisce “Ali per volare”

Patrizia Ciribè Ali per volare, di Loredana De Vita (Ed. Guida Editori) Recensisco questo libro della mia amica di penna Loredana, un’autrice molto brava con la quale condividiamo le rispettive pubblicazioni con Nulla die e l’amore per la buona lettura. Le sue sono sempre buone letture, dense di un significato che lascia la terra del rumore per entrare nello spazio delle parole e del loro … Continua a leggere Patrizia Ciribè recensisce “Ali per volare”

Vincenza D’Esculapio recensisce “Ali per volare”

Il cielo di carta: Ali per volare 30/10/2023 / Cultura / Di Vincenza D’Esculapio / 1 commento tempo di lettura: 2 minuti “Nell’oceano del dolore c’è sempre spazio per amare” Ali per volare è il recente lavoro di Loredana De Vita, edito da Guida editori a marzo 2023. L’Autrice, già nota per due romanzi precedenti in cui pone la sua parola scritta al servizio delle donne per la difesa della loro dignità in un … Continua a leggere Vincenza D’Esculapio recensisce “Ali per volare”

The Ethic of Life

It is not possible to imagine one’s life without taking a look at the life of others.Our own individual uniqueness can only express itself in relation to the uniqueness of the other, without which it would have no reason to exist.It is not power that should direct our steps, therefore, but the relationship.Each one, in their own way, is complete in itself, but each one, … Continua a leggere The Ethic of Life

Wasted Lives

Lives wasted, consumed, stolen, violated, on both sides of every barricade in every war in the world.I see those bodies and I also imagine those I don’t see and I can’t help but think about what would have happened to each of those lives if only hatred and war hadn’t closed the account with the existence of each one.Who were you? What were you doing? … Continua a leggere Wasted Lives

What Is Evil?

No, evil is not defeated through war. And I don’t feel part of that humanity that believes it can save itself by producing more evil.Define evil.Is it only the bad you receive or also the one, of equal or even greater wideness, you decide to inflict as a form of ransom?Isn’t revenge bad?I understand and share the pain and upheaval, but I feel it from … Continua a leggere What Is Evil?


There is poetry in meetings, there is a lot of poetry. You can perceive it in the care, in the tones, in the words, in the listening of those who share their thoughts, impressions and emotions with seriousness and serenity. It is an unwritten poem, but one that vibrates in the air, which welcomes and frees at the same time as it passionately nourishes the … Continua a leggere Poetry


I walk through a shaded night, pebbles of melancholy chirp in the song of winter. A chirping accompanies the silence, a voice tells of the unknown night and day. The wind hisses in the rock it carves out and the lapping of the sea lulls the sleeping creatures in the frenetic and decisive whisper of the waves like shadows in the desert.“The sea is inside,” … Continua a leggere Hallucinations


Travelling, metamorphosis of an ego that rediscovers its name, pronounces it, invokes it in the vibrant moment of memory.Traveling inside and outside the essence, swarms of thoughts shatter into sparks of life, sentinels and guardians of love, dreams and desires, vigilant guardians against the escape of meaning.Traveling to places, spaces of the heart, frames of incomplete works and dreams never dreamed of, of beginnings without … Continua a leggere Travelling

Shh! Silence.

Shh! Silence.Listen to the night that speaks does not steal the time of your sigh. Hear the hidden story of what you don’t want to see or know. Listen to the infinity that he calls and explain the meaning of his direction.Shh! Silence. Listen.The rain in tears washes the blood of your sins, of the emptiness of the abyss into which you threw yourself. Purify … Continua a leggere Shh! Silence.