We don’t Know How to Live

How great is the pain I feel when faced with the cruel murder of this boy. A multiple and multifaceted pain, for the life broken, first of all, with such cruelty and indifference, for his family catapulted into an abyss of pain and impotence from which it is not easy to climb back out. I also feel pain, however, for those kids whose violence, hatred, indifference has made them similar to monsters, indeed, worse, and for their families who are certainly shocked by the massive brutality of their blood.
Let’s not engage in rhetoric, it’s not enough to say that it’s the fault of this or that, of the family, of the school, playing buck-passing in a situation in which no one is able to take control of the reins… we are all guilty, it’s easy to say it, but leave time which he finds, since we did not hold the weapon. Saying that we are all guilty is like saying that there is no one guilty, but there are murderers and they are guilty.
We are not all guilty, but we are all responsible – families, schools, society – responsible because it is responsibility that we do not want to name and responsibility is not highlighted in the moment of the crime and the blame that must fall on the person who commits it, but it is revealed in everyday life, in small and large choices, in omissions, in silences, in the void into which we have immersed our lives, in individualism, in the inability to give a name to the things and gestures and mental forms that we contribute to cultivate with our indifferent silence.
Responsibility collapses in the void of meaning of people who don’t talk to each other and don’t listen to each other, it sinks into individual interest and the pantomime that everyone plays by changing masks whenever it suits them, it disappears in the ignominious care only for oneself and in the distraction towards the life of the other who simply ceases to exist in our lucid madness.
Indifference is in missed glances and in those that wink at the power that can only be such in the destruction of the other. A power that, irresponsibly, we feed on our discomfort instead of our innocence and that we acclaim and propagate in the shrill cries of an inability that we don’t want to show but which is evident: we don’t know how to live with each other… we don’t know how to live.

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