
The seagulls scream in this gray sky more than the hearts of those who separate instead of uniting what in life needs to be together and not see us fighting against each other.
They scream and bring with them my voice of dissent, the invitation to be prudent, the suggestion to be free from the shackles of selfishness that destroys without building a future.
They scream and scream and scream some more, restless or perhaps furious at the heavy air that suffocates their free flight without being able to stop it, of course, but depriving them of the space of the horizon.
They scream and call by name every deficiency of the man who divides in order to command, thus denouncing the brutality of his own human imbalance and the weakness of a power that considers itself such only by silencing the voices that dissent and tell of different possibilities for a humanity that does not need hate to live but only love to share.
They scream in pain due to the distances induced by ignorance and the presumption of being able to erase history by modifying it to one’s liking. They scream at the limitless sloth of repeated crimes, pretending that they are not, erasing the memory and abusing the ignorance of those who do not know the truth of history nor try to know it because it is easier to remain indifferent as if everything that happens does not happen part of the new story of oneself that is being built by abolishing the sign and meaning of those who gave their lives to unite and grow and mature a thought free from the horror of hatred and division.
I too shout out my dissent loudly, I too abhor everything that changes freedom into chains, that makes men servants and slaves of impending and growing resentment in the name of emptiness and chaos that facilitates the rise of the dictatorship of pride and ‘egocentrism.
It is no longer time for the flag-waving of one’s ego, it is no longer time for personal interests, it is no longer time for the war of selfishness. This is the time in which one needs the other, each one needs to be part of a whole to be protected and safeguarded. A whole made of values, hospitality, collaboration. Everything made by voices who know how to interpret common needs and make them a passion for life, research, sharing goals and objectives. A whole that appeals to common sense and love for creation and creatures. A whole that does not divide but discerns good from evil according to criteria that unite and save, excluding prejudice and supremacy.
The seagulls no longer scream, they listen to my voice and carry it far away on their flight of peace, who knows if others scream with our same voice.

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