My Little Monster

You look at your body, you scrutinize it intently, not to see the changes of time, you have already dealt with those, and not even to scrutinize the scars of the disease or those that broke your heart. No, you observe yourself to imagine what’s inside, where the little monster lurks that in new and multiple forms has decided to continue to inhabit your body.
The CT scan indicates where the signs and evidence are found, but they are denied to your body which lacks the speculative capacity of machines. You, precisely you who are its home, cannot see it. The little monster hides from your gaze and even the CT images for you could be anything incapable as you are of distinguishing the good from the bad in a body that receives torture without being able to do anything to choose what to do.
You are there, there, there and also there, but you don’t speak while the body moans, you don’t observe me while I look for you, you are there pulsing and stealing lifeblood by distributing the acrid seed of your misdeed. You are there, you do your job like an automaton that doesn’t question the pain it causes in the life of others. Carry out your blind task and I will welcome you… not being able to do anything else.
You are there, invisible mystifier, thief of the dreams of time. Yet, you are foolish. However strong your power you are, you are unaware of the freedom of my spirit, the serenity of those who turn the ugly into beauty and the strength to be a sign are unknown to you. You are there to steal my time, you pusillanimous fool educated to the worst, yet you don’t know that mine will also be your end and in the time lived I will have loved, you practiced a thankless and hopeless task.
Hope is not to defeat you, but to be myself free in my heart until my last breath.

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